Any foreigners currently having temporary residence in Vietnam and belonging to one of the following cases will be considered and approved of their permanent resident status: “Spouse, child, parent of a Vietnamese citizen who permanently resides in Vietnam.”

Instructions on formalities (for reference):

1. Application for permanent residence (Form NA12);

2. 04 newly taken photos, size of 3x4 cm, white background, straight view, bare head, without wearing tinted glasses;

3. Criminal record confirmed by the competent authority in the country of his/her citizenship, or the country of his/her permanent residence;

4. Official note issued by the competent authority in the country of his/her citizenship, requesting for approval of his/her permanent residence in Vietnam (attached forwarding slip issued by a Vietnamese diplomatic office);

5. Petition for a foreigner’s permanent residence in Vietnam (Form N10) confirmed by the People's Committee of ward/commune (attached copies of ID card, household registration book of the petitioner); depending on each particular case the petitioner and the beneficiary have to produce papers to prove legal domicile or legal financial source to make sure that the beneficiary has domicile and living support;

6. Copies of papers proving to be spouse, child, parent of a Vietnamese citizen who permanently resides in Vietnam;

7. Copy of passport, copy of visa or temporary resident’s card currently valid at the time of application submission (produce the originals for comparison);

8. Other relevant documents, or papers (if any):

The above-mentioned papers and documents (except the petition and passport) must be translated into Vietnamese and notarized or legalized under the provisions of law.


For further information please contact: | Phone: 028-88868680 | Mobile: 0903858656

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